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CWM Discipleship Conference 2023

Discipleship is a way of life, a lifestyle, the cornerstone of Christian practice, and what every believer that calls themselves a Christian should be invested in; learning and growing more as a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. As Bill Hull stated multiple times in his book, The Complete Book on Discipleship, “Christianity without discipleship is not Christianity.”

At Christian Way Ministries, discipleship is not just another program, it is the cornerstone of everything we do. Jesus said in Matthew 28:19, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always to the very end of the age.”

Since discipleship is such a critical component to the church and to our faith, CWM hosted another discipleship conference that featured Professor Dr. Adam McClendon, Associate Dean of the John Rawlings School of Divinity at the great Liberty University. This is his second time visiting our church in Virginia Beach and teaching us through his personal experience and academic knowledge of the Bible on how to be a true follower of the Lord Jesus Christ.

If you want to see the teachings Professor Dr. Adam McClendon did in 2022, please click on this link:, and for the teachings he presented this year on Saturday June 24th, 2023, please scroll down to view all four sessions.